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Open Commons

The Open Commons is a non-profit, international scholarly association whose mission is to provide free access to the full corpus of phenomenology as well as to develop and maintain the digital infrastructure required for its curation, study and dissemination. A digital platform will host all texts, documents and images in open access, feature interactive contents and offer an extensive set of digital tools such as multi-text search, data visualisations, citation index, bibliometric statistics, annotations and social sharing.

For more information you can visit the Open Commons website:

The Open Commons of Phenomenology

Led by renowned Professor Nicolas de Warren and supported by a global board of leading researchers working in the field. Open Commons is a non-profit, non-commercial and Open Access central digital environment for the structured and streamlined publication and dissemination of historical and current Phenomenology research. It works on the digitisation of 300 books in clean OCR-PDF format, 4 published journals, and the editing of 30 volumes per year of the Husserliana in TEI-XML.

Institutions can contribute! This support helps them successfully set up and manage their blogs and conference websites and support the output and impact of your researchers and increase the visibility of the discipline of phenomenology as a whole. In addition, there is personalised technical and design support offered to five researchers at your institution for three years.